Wednesday, November 16, 2011

People Photography

Do you want to be a photographer who takes pictures of models, like in all those clothes magazines? Seems like fun right?! Well, I'm sure it is! Unfortunately, most of us don't have those $7,000 cameras that they use, or the perfect looking models they use either. So what? Call up your friends and set up a time and place to do your photo shoot! Remember, it doesn't have to be on a super sunny day, it's actually best to have an outside shoot when it's cloudy or overcast. And if it is windy, even better! Everybody loves it when the model's hair is blown back, and wind is like a natural fan! Always think of the positives when something you think is bad happens. If it rains, bring some cute rain boots and umbrellas, find puddles to splash around in, and there you go - a perfect black and white scene in the making! Also, you need to make it look like everyone is having fun, but don't make it look fake! Don't place people in a certain place, having everyone look into the camera lens. Most of my pictures of people are when they are not looking, that way they don't have a fake smile; if they are laughing, it's a perfect Kodak moment!

Your friends are your perfect models.

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