Thursday, November 3, 2011

It is what it is.

Photography is not like painting or drawing. It's taking the outside world, and using what resources you have. You can change your setting and focus of the picture, but you can't create a fake world with it. You have to use what you have. We photographers must create art with whatever we find and what life throws at us. And sometimes, if you wait long enough, and look hard enough, you can easily make something that everyone will be in love with.
For example, I took this for photography club. Our instructor told us to take a picture of anything outside. Everyone, except me, left to go into the woods. I stayed behind, and saw this. It's not a very beautiful object, but if you take it at the right position, at the right time, you can make something boring into something amazing. 
I think that's what photography is all about.

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